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5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Old Roof

Even the topmost roofing shingles have their lifespan, thus requiring roof replacement. The best way to keep your structure in optimum condition is by constantly inspecting it and looking for any signs of trouble. Ignoring the signs is easy until it causes a significant problem like rot or water intrusion. Some roofing issues may only be rectified through roof replacement, not repairs. Contact Allphase Construction & Roofing when you notice any problem with your roof. Our experts will thoroughly evaluate whether you should repair or replace your roof. Being proactive will save your investment while ensuring your family’s safety. However, below are indicators you need a roof replacement.

Age of the Roof

If your roof is over 30 years old, it’s time for its replacement. Many roofs have a lifespan of 10- 50 years, depending on their make and environment. For instance, roofs composed of asphalt shingles have a lifespan of approximately 20-30 years, while clay tiles can service you for at least 40 years.

Calling a licensed roofer is the best way to identify the age of your roof. A roofing contractor will carefully evaluate your roof’s deterioration and guide you. Moreover, if you don’t know your roof’s age, call the house’s previous owner and inquire about the contractor’s contact details.

Furthermore, if your neighbors are replacing their roofs, be watchful. Mostly, houses in the same neighborhood have the same construction period. Therefore, if your neighbors are replacing their roofs, call our professionals to evaluate your roof and determine if replacement is needed.

High Energy Bills

Rising energy bills can also indicate that it’s time for roof replacement. Your roof maintains the house’s energy efficiency. However, they can develop wear and tear as they age, leading to leaks, poor insulation, and increased heat absorption.

A damaged roof may also allow outdoor temperatures to penetrate your house, making it harder for your HVAC system to regulate the indoor climate. Insulation inefficiencies increase heating or cooling demands, increasing energy consumption, which escalates monthly energy bills.

Besides, modern roofing materials come with materials that control heat absorption, like advanced reflective coatings and innovative surface treatments. These materials minimize the absorption of solar radiation, preventing excess heat from penetrating the building structure, thus reducing the workload on your HVAC unit and, therefore, lower energy bills. If you are struggling with high energy bills, it’s the right time to replace your roof.

Curling and Cracking Shingles

Curling comes when the edges of your shingles start to curl upwards, resembling a cup. Curling shingles allow water to get through your roof deck, resulting in leaks.

Severe wind or storm may result in shingle cracking. Consequently, the damaged shingles can allow water from snow, ice, or rain to penetrate your deck. Fortunately, a roofing contractor may be able to fix the damaged shingles. However, an entire roof replacement might be the best solution if the damage is out of hand.

Sagging Roof and Water Stains

Sagging occurs when your roof starts to droop in the middle, causing a visible dip in the centerline of the structure. As a result, the roof’s weight becomes too much for the weakened beams to hold up, causing the roof to sag inwards. Replacing your roof avoids keeping your family at risk because the sagged roof may fall.

Stains on your ceiling or walls result from leaks from multiple factors, such as damaged shingles, cracks in the roof, or missing flashing. If you notice water-damaged walls, it’s essential to contact our professional for a roof inspection. The roof inspection is vital because ignoring a leaking roof can lead to mold growth, rotting of the wood structure, and costly repairs down the line. 

You Can See Daylight When You Look Up

There is a severe issue with the roof’s structural integrity if you see daylight through the roof. Seeing daylight through your roof boards can indicate underlying problems with your roof’s decking. For instance, rotting or decaying roof decking can create openings that allow light to filter through, signaling a need for immediate roof replacement.

If you notice the above, you should contact our experts to fix your roofing problems. Prompt and professional assistance ensures you can keep your family safe and prevent your investment from collapsing structures due to water damage.

Chance Williams

Published by
Chance Williams

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